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Everyone in the World: Stop Psychopaths in Politics, Media Banks etc.

Everyone in the World: Stop Psychopaths in Politics, Media Banks etc.

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Diese Petition wurde von Balthasar B. erstellt und repräsentiert nicht unbedingt die Ansichten der Avaaz-Gemeinschaft.
Balthasar B.
hat diese Petition erstellt, an folgende Zielperson/Zielgruppe:
Everyone in the World
We the people want to stop this Madness&excl
There a millions of people outside walking trough our Society with a brain damage, most of them
are even in power or charge of our governments, hospitals, armys etc.
That´s Insane&excl&excl&excl
They enjoy to hurt people it shows in their brains. (Ventral Striatum)
Psychopaths have reduced gray matter in the paralimbic system of the brain.
They brains have a different form and structure.
A psychopath is classically defined as a person with an extreme inability to empathize with other
human beings. They also lack remorse for their actions, will comfortably exploit others for their
own personal gain, and have a high level of self‐confidence.
As well as over‐valuing the reward signals from the ventral striatum, a recent Harvard study found
that people with psychopathy are unable to accurately evaluate the future consequences of their
"The way that capitalism is structured really is a physical manifestation of the brain anomaly known
as psychopathy," Ronson said in an interview back in 2011 while promoting his exceptional book
The Psychopath Test.
When we look at History we can see how they treated humanity.
They killed, raped, lied, manipulated, sended us into wars..... Why dont we search for a cure of this
sickness&quest Serious&quest
Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Harold Shipman, Anders Berhing Breivik, Ted Bundy, Leonarda Cianculli
even more
And we are not talking of these " Prosocial" Psychopaths that trade with food to raise the prices
because they give nothing and because of that people in Africa and in other parts of the world are
dying of hunger, or the mental games they are "playing" with us so we do what they want. The daily
abuse of women in relationships.
We have to do something now&excl
With our society to reward the type of behavior of psychopathics, it is no surprise that some studies
have found that up to one in five corporate professionals display "clinically significant psychopathic
Traitments could be&colon
Searching for a cure with scientists and doctors.
Genemodification&colon MAO‐A, CDH 13
When we cure Psychopathy we are gonna live in a whole new peacfull and better World.
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